Why is it every time the Northeastern part of the US is faced with any type of weather emergency, the rest of us must be affected as well.
In case you were out of the country this past weekend, the news networks were flooded with reports of "The Great Nor'Easter" or some other lame headline. Yes, believe it or else, the Northeast actually receiving "snow" or some type of snow byproduct. As a result this must be treated as a top news story. I'm assuming the amount of hype wrought from the news agencies meant a run on canned goods and double AA batteries at the local A&P (assuming these folks were brave enough to venture outside).
I've never been a believer or a fan in a so-called "east coast bias" in the media. That's always been a bit of a sham to me. But all that goes out the window when the subject is the weather. For some reason, the weather turns normal mild mannered individuals in stark raving freaks. This is exacerbated by the fact that these individuals work for news organizations and all of a sudden become "imbedded" in the story. Lame.
At the end of the day, it says less about those in the Northeast that they feel this attention is warranted over a Winter storm. For a region that prides itself in being tough, this reaction by its citizens (and the news agencies) is tired and ridiculous. Get over yourselves.