Monday, June 13, 2005

Jacko Moonwalks...

POST UPDATE: As I'm sure you have already heard/read, Michael Jackson moonwalked on all charges today in Santa Barbara. Jacko is now a free man.

While I was not in the jury, I do not see how this guy could get off on every charge (especially the serving of alcohol to a minor which he admitted to doing). In the end his behavior, while bizarre and questionable, was still a case of hearsay. My own opinion is that he did what he was charged with but I did not get to make that call.

While the case against Jackson is over, it is time we start a new campaign against the parents of these children. These sick, disgusting, pathetic people knowingly pimped out their children in a quest for a cash payout. The idea that someone would do that to their own child is beyond all rationale. In a perfect world, the parents would be behind bars.

Along with Jackson...

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