Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Our State Fair is Better Than Your State Fair...

I've noticed that my posts lately have been a little serious so I thought I would break that mold and lighten it up a bit today.

The Hawk can't believe it but a right of passage in the midwest is closer than it seems. Yes that's right the State Fair is nearby and as is every year there will be lots of new rides, exhibits and food on display.

Using my connections well within the halls of the state fair committee, The Hawk found out what the committee rejected this year. I can't believe these didn't make it...

Top 5 Rejected Games:
1. Pin-the-tail on the angry Alaskan Timberwolf
2. Name 10,000 lakes in Minnesota
3. Jart tossing
4. Spot the message of the DFL party
5. Amish cage match

Top 5 Rejected Exhibits
1. CarnieGrooming
2. Make your own Spam
3. In search of the reason of how Garrison Keillor became a star
4. The great literary works of Jesse Ventura
5. The terror in the fall: deer hunting from the deer's perspective

Despite the above, our state fair promises to be a rip roarin' fried foood eatin whale of a time. You won't want to miss it...


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